Monday, February 16, 2009

Shameful self indulgence - Day 24

I haven't posted in days. It has been a terrible horrible no good very bad weekend and an amazing weekend rolled into one.

Bowl of Special K - Red berrries + Milk
1/2 Grapefruit
Lots of Gin
Lots of Vodka
Lots of Beer
and enough physical activity to damned near counteract all of that. Don't ask.

Double cheeseburger from McDeath - Hangover
Ah Caramel 100 calorie snacks x 2
Arizona Iced Tea - Green w/ Ginseng & Honey


EVERYTHING IN SIGHT - So bad that I can't remember and don't want to talk about it, suffice to say that I finished it all off with a plate of Chinese food.

Special K + Milk
2 Babybel
2 Hard boiled eggs
2 Grilled Cheese
Arizona Iced Tea - Green w/ Ginseng & Honey
Hot chocolate

It has been a rediculous weekend. I don't knwo what the issue was other than I had a hell of a hangover over the course of a couple of days.

I need to figure out some form of self control. I need to be stronger than I am because right now I'm a weak, pathetic mess of a girl. I don't know how to fix this. I need to get back to the gym. I think I'm going to have to start spending more time there because it's basically the only way. HELP!

1 comment:

  1. you need to want it. right now it doesnt look like you do
    dedication, dedication, and more dedication
